Amity provides free, confidential counselling, support and information to people affected by gambling. Services are free and confidential.
Someone else details Dispute must be lodged by the account holder in first instance. If lodging on behalf of other party or not the holder of an account please provide supporting material or an authority to act on their behalf. Northern Territory (NT) The NTRC is largely responsible for compliance matters. Licensing NT is responsible for licensing matters affecting all gambling activities in the NT. NTRC and Licensing NT sit within the NT Department of the Attorney-General and Justice. Australia: Gambling Laws and Regulations 2021. ICLG - Gambling Laws and Regulations - Australia covers common issues in gambling laws and regulations – including relevant authorities and legislation, application for a licence, licence restrictions, digital media, enforcement and liability – in 37 jurisdictions. Way, the nature and exte nt of the connection be tween illega l gambling busine sses and organize d crime can be docu mented thro ugh facts, rath er than percep tions or anec dotes. Sportsbet is licensed in the Northern Territory ('NT'), Australia by the NT Racing Commission ('NTRC') to accept bets and wagers (together 'bets') by electronic transmission, 24 hours per day. Sportsbet complies with the NT Code of Practice for Responsible Gambling and the South Australian Responsible Gambling Code of Practice.
Amity provides free, confidential counselling, support and information to people affected by gambling. Services include:
- professional support for individuals who experience problems with their gambling
- professional support for friends and family of individuals who experience problems with gambling
Amity can assist you to:
- understand your motivations to gamble
- apply strategies for coping with the urge to gamble
- assist you through the process of behaviour change
We offer face-to-face, email and phone counselling and information services.
Amity is located at 155 Stuart Highway, Parap in Darwin. The phone number is (08) 8944 6565.
The Gambling Harm Minimisation and Education Program is funded by the NT Government through the Community Benefit Fund Program.
24/7 Gambling services in NT
1800 858 858 - 24 Hr Toll Free helpline
Email counselling:
A range of help resources at Amity
A generic form of self-exclusion has been developed for use by Northern Territory gambling providers (NB: casinos have specific provisions in place). Procedures with clear, supporting documentation are available and application forms for self-exclusion are available at the venue reception, within the gambling area, adjacent to the gambling products and/or on the website. Gambling providers have to offer customers who seek self-exclusion and/or express a concern that they have a gambling problem, contact information for appropriate counselling agencies.
- Self exclusion from a sports bookmaker.
Amity provides free, confidential counselling, support and information to people affected by gambling. Services are free and confidential.
Amity provides free, confidential counselling, support and information to people affected by gambling. Services include:
- professional support for individuals who experience problems with their gambling
- professional support for friends and family of individuals who experience problems with gambling
Amity can assist you to:
- understand your motivations to gamble
- apply strategies for coping with the urge to gamble
- assist you through the process of behaviour change
We offer face-to-face, email and phone counselling and information services.
Amity is located at 155 Stuart Highway, Parap in Darwin. The phone number is (08) 8944 6565.
The Gambling Harm Minimisation and Education Program is funded by the NT Government through the Community Benefit Fund Program.
24/7 Gambling services in NT
1800 858 858 - 24 Hr Toll Free helpline
Gambling Disputes Ntp
Email counselling:
A range of help resources at Amity

Gambling Disputes Ntu
A generic form of self-exclusion has been developed for use by Northern Territory gambling providers (NB: casinos have specific provisions in place). Procedures with clear, supporting documentation are available and application forms for self-exclusion are available at the venue reception, within the gambling area, adjacent to the gambling products and/or on the website. Gambling providers have to offer customers who seek self-exclusion and/or express a concern that they have a gambling problem, contact information for appropriate counselling agencies.
Gambling Disputes Ntuc
- Self exclusion from a sports bookmaker.